「青年團」成立以來便積極參與多項國內外合唱賽事,並多次獲得肯定。2013年參與韓國釜山「第九屆釜山國際合唱藝術節」,獲「古典混聲組」金牌冠軍;2016年參與歐洲合唱六大賽之一的「第48屆托洛薩國際合唱大賽」,分別榮獲複音音樂及巴斯克民謠組第五名的佳績;2018年參與日本「第1屆東京國際合唱比賽(Tokyo International Chorus Competition)」,榮獲「青年組」、「當代音樂組」兩面金牌;2018年參與日本「第34屆寶塚國際室內合唱大賽(Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest)」,榮獲「早期音樂組」銀牌、「當代音樂組」銅牌;2021年參與桃園合唱藝術節合唱大賽,獲得第二名。
團員名冊(畫底線者為聲部負責人) 團長|趙敏含
女高音|林靚萱 丁綏芳 鄭伃庭 許皓昀 陳怡靜 阮悠晴 潘奕辰 楊雅晴 陳姿穎 莊婷雅 游鈞睿
女低音|林子惠 吳孟玹 劉芊筠 曾珮瑜 莊惠慈 盧欣婕 魏甄瑩 趙敏含 陳 安
男高音|邱奕鈞 李瑋倫 余柏融 陳駿騏
男低音|鍾凱旭 蔡育愷 曾建中 霍笙和 黃子紘 余宗軒
About / Taipei Youth Choir
Taipei Youth Choir (hereinafter referred to as TYC) was established in 2010, with Ching-Ying Hung as the permanent conductor of the group. As the first choir of mixed voices in the TMC family, the group includes young men and women who holds the passion for singing. TYC upholds the spirit of the TMC family, that is, to “sing long and prosper”. The group not only maintains the artistic quality of TMC as a brand of choral music, but also creates its own unique characteristics.
Since its establishment, TYC has actively participated in many domestic and international choral competitions, such as the Busan Choral Festival & Competition and the Tolosa Choral Contest, all of which giving the group positive recognitions. In recent years, TYC has also been invited to perform in important domestic events, such as Opening Ceremony & Closing Ceremony of Taipei Summer Universiade and the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival. Aside from the abundant experiences in competitions and performances, the group also holds annual concerts led by the conductor Hung to present the unique creativity and vitality of young choristers.