
拉縴人藝象女聲合唱團 Taipei Arts Female Choir

指揮 Conductor

朱彥穎(Yen-Yin Chu)
自1999年起,多次獲選為世界青年合唱團團員,並擔任音樂會女高音獨唱。2000年獲選為台北愛樂文教基金會之「2000年台灣樂壇新秀」。2002年獲選為德國Bach-Akademie團員。自2003年起獲選為德國德列斯頓室內合唱團團員,並擔任音樂會女高音獨唱。2006年入維也納Hans Gabor Belvedere聲樂大賽決賽。2008年甄選進入兩廳院第二屆歌劇工作坊,2009年演出拉威爾歌劇《頑童驚夢》,擔任角色「火」。2009年受邀擔任作曲家兼指揮家Ennio Morricone於台北小巨蛋舉辦的音樂會中之合唱團女高音獨唱。2010年受台北市立交響樂團之邀,演出歌劇《魔笛》中「Papagena」一角。2010年獲得台北聲樂大賽第二名。2011年演出神劇《創世紀》,擔任女高音獨唱。2012年演出歌劇《魔笛》中「夜后」一角。2013年、2015年參與兩廳院歌劇工作坊製作,演出歌劇《睡美人》中「夜鷹」與「藍仙子」角色。2015年七月赴德國、瑞士巡演。2018年考入國立台北藝術大學音樂研究所博士班。2019年獲關渡新聲比賽優勝。2022年受邀擔任NSO歌劇音樂會《唐懷瑟&紐倫堡名歌手》合唱指導,2023年再度受邀擔任NSO《璀璨之聲》孟德爾頌之夜音樂會的合唱指導。
曾任金穗合唱團、福爾摩沙合唱團、福爾摩沙青年合唱團聲樂指導、安慰之聲、星穎藝術合唱團指揮。 現為清華大學音樂系、台灣神學院音樂研究所講師,拉縴人藝象女聲合唱團、森林精靈兒童合唱團常任指揮,成大校友合唱團、拉縴人青年合唱團聲樂指導。

About / Yen-Yin Chu
Chu graduated from Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden Germany in 2005. Since 1999, she has been selected as a member of the World Youth Choir, performing as the Soprano soloist in several concerts. In 2000, she was nominated by the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education as the "Rising Music Star of the Year". In 2002, she was selected as a member of the Bach-Akademie in Germany. Chu’s performing experiences include singing in the choir Dresdner Kammerchor of Germany since 2003, and as soprano soloist in many concerts at that time. In 2006, she was selected as one of the finalists in the Hans Gabor Belvedere Vocal Competition in Vienna. In 2008, she was selected in 2nd opera workshop held by National Theater and Concert Hall (NTCH) of Taiwan. In 2010, she won the second place in Vocal Music Competition of Taipei in the same year. She participated in the opera workshop held by NTCH of Taiwan in both 2013 and 2015, performing as the roles of "Night Hawk" and "Blue Fairy" in the opera La bella dormente nel bosco (The Sleeping Beauty).In July 2015, she went on a performing tour of Germany and Switzerland. In 2018, she enrolled in the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Music, National Taipei University of the Arts.
She is currently a lecturer at the Department of Music in National Tsinghua University and the department of Music in Taiwan Graduate School of Theology. She is also working as the permanent conductor of the Waldelfchen children's choir, Taipei Arts Female Choir, and as the vocal coach of National Cheng Kung University Alumni Choir and Taipei Youth Choir.