
拉縴人男聲合唱團 Taipei Male Choir

指揮 Conductor

洪晴瀠(Ching-Ying Hung)
2018年赴日「第1屆東京國際合唱比賽(Tokyo International Chorus Competition)」,榮獲「青年組」、「當代音樂組」兩面金牌;赴日參加「第34屆寶塚國際室內合唱大賽(Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest)」,榮獲「早期音樂組」銀牌(金獎從缺)、「當代音樂組」銅牌。同年受「第13屆日本輕井澤國際合唱節」邀請,指揮拉縴人少年兒童合唱團赴日演出並擔任講師。2021年率拉縴人青年合唱團赴「2021桃園合唱藝術節」,榮獲銀桃獎。 近年來常受邀擔任各級比賽評審,及合唱講座之講師,為國內相當活躍的指揮。

About / Ching-Ying Hung
Ching-Ying Hung, a native of Taiwan. Earned a master’s degree in choral conducting from Fu-Jen Catholic University. Now Hung is a PhD student in choral conducting from Fu-Jen Catholic University. Hung earned the 37th Distinguished Alumni Award in 2012, and the 3rd New Taipei City Art Education Outstanding Contribution Award in 2015. And Hung has also been invited to perform in important domestic events with TYC, such as Opening Ceremony & Closing Ceremony of Taipei Summer Universiade and the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival. Since 2018, she serves as the music director of TMC Culture and Arts Foundation, conductor of Taipei Male Choir and Taipei Youth Choir.